An understanding of the principles of pharmacology is fundamental to podiatric practice. Currently, podiatrists are able to administer and supply prescription-only medicines (POMs) via a number of mechanisms:
- The possession of a certificate in local anaesthesia entitles practitioners to administer certain local anaesthetic drugs
- Podiatrists holding a Certificate of Competence in the use of POMs are able to administer and supply drugs from a limited formulary.
- Some podiatrists who work in specialist areas can administer drugs, under a Patient Group Directive.
- Recent legislation allows podiatrists to qualify as Supplementary Prescribers and prescribe POMs treatments under the guidance of a Patient Care Plan.
The aim of this resource is to review profession-related issues related to access to POMs and their use in clinical practice. You'll be able to access this resource for 12 months after purchase.
Aims and Objectives
You will:
- Revise the pharmacology of drug actions and effects.
- Revise the pharmacology of drugs used for the management of pain and inflammation.
- Revise the pharmacology of antimicrobial agents, especially those encountered in podiatric practice.
- Revise the aetiology of and potential for adverse drug reactions, especially those that may be encountered in podiatric practice.
- Consider the medico-legal implications of podiatric access to POMs.
Certificate and CPD Points
This 10 question module has been written by expert authors from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists faculty of Podiatric Medicine and General Practice. The module is designed to test and improve your knowledge of Pharmacology for Chiropodists and Podiatrists.
Upon successful completion of this module a printable certificate of competence will be made available to you. This module gives you 2 hours of CPD points for your annual CPD assessment.
Author: Dr Jean Mooney, BSc(Hons), MA, PhD, Cert Ed (F&HE), FHEA, DPodM, Adv Dip Biomech, FChS, FCPodS, FCPodMed
Peer reviewer: Dr S. Wilkins, Honorary Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, Cardiff University